Why is it that almost everything I want to do conflicts with something else I want to do?
In this particular case, it was OwlCon (a local gaming convention that I volunteer for and have a long history with) and PanTheaCon this last weekend, but there's another one coming up on the first weekend in March, and another one in June.
On the bright side, my moon circles seem to have gotten to something approaching critical mass, so that's nice. Resolving the internal theological chaos may be a little difficult - I have a couple of generic Wiccaform duotheists, a handful of pantheists, a UU panentheist who just likes ritual, a devotee of Brigid, a Discordian who doesn't so much worship Eris as try to point her away from himself, an animist refugee from a spiritually abusive strain of Christianity who is at the Any Other God/dess stage, and at this one coming up, someone whose personal pantheon is nearly evenly split between the Khemetic and Asatru pantheons. Given that I'm sticking with pan-Near-Eastern at this point, this could get interesting.
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